The Best Dutch Memes of 2019

It’s an essential part of internet culture: the meme. The most glorious days of 9gag seem to have vanished, and nowadays anyone could make a meme that goes viral. We at are a huge fan of memes. Generating ridiculous and funny memes on learning Dutch was a logical consequence, therefore! As 2019 was a year full of big changes in Holland (zwarte piet demonstrations, burqa-ban, farmers protests etc.), this is reflected in popular media. Which includes memes. The best Dutch memes of 2019 captured these events the best; this post is dedicated to LDO’s own memes as well as those of other popular blogs on expat life in the Netherlands. Some memes here are legendary and timeless, thus also relevant in 2019 and many years to come. If you’re a meme-lover, you definitely want to know them. These Dutch memes are essential in truly understanding life in the Netherlands.

If you’re following us on Instagram you know what I mean. If you aren’t, start following us now and keep on scrolling: we put the best Dutch memes of this year in a top 10. For you.

1. Batman tells you to learn your articles by heart

Listen to Batman when it comes to learning Dutch grammar.. - LDO Blog -
Listen to Batman when it comes to learning Dutch grammar..

2. Your level of Dutch

Never give up learning Dutch! - - LDO Blog
Never give up learning Dutch! 🙂

3. Zwarte piet VS Blackface

It's clearly different..Right? - LDO Blog
It’s clearly different..Right?

4. Mastering flawless Dutch

Is it really possible to master Dutch flawlessly? - The Best Dutch Memes of 2019 -
Is it really possible to master Dutch flawlessly?

5. No Hope

Never lose hope learning Dutch - LDO Blog - Dutch Memes
Do you feel like this? Click here!

6. Dutch weather

Dutch weather can be very unpredictable - The Best Dutch Memes 2019 - Blog
Dutch weather in 2019 has been especially surprising..

7. Answering during Dutch class

Is this you during Dutch class? - Blog - The Best Dutch Memes of 2019!

8. Dat was niet de bedoeling

One of the legendary memes of the Amsterdam Shallow Man! - Blog
One of the legendary memes of the Amsterdam Shallow Man!

9. Mama, die..

The Best Dutch Memes 2019 - Classic Mama, Die - Blog
Classic ‘Mama, Die’ Dutch meme!

10. Mark Rutte on a bike

The Best Dutch Memes of 2019 - Dutch Prime Minister on a bike - Mark Rutte -
Gotta love Mark Rutte..

Is this list of the best Dutch memes of 2019 not good enough for you?

Well, sorry then. We did our best. If you don’t like it, please go back to where you came from. But do follow us here and here. And please learn some Dutch, you have been living here for so long already! Dankjewel, doei!

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