Yes yes yes..! Are you ready to WIN free Dutch training, materials included? This is what you’ll get: A Dutch-English dictionary of one of the best publishers – Van Dale One of our favorite Dutch exercise books: Vlekkeloos Nederlands (translates to ‘stainless Dutch’), covering the complete Dutch grammar together with vocabulary and even style 5 […]
According to the World Happiness Report, the Netherlands is one of the happiest places in the world in 2019. This is a UN authorized report, placing Holland in the top 5 after Finland, Norway, Iceland and Denmark. Find out why you might find your luck here too, in this LDO Blog article on the top […]
Studying in the Netherlands has never been more popular than now. If you’re an international student, you probably live in or near Amsterdam, Delft, Eindhoven, Leiden or Utrecht. Of course, you could be studying in Groningen, Almelo or Maastricht, too. Either way: this list is for you. You probably already know the facilities are quite […]
5 Frietkamer, Haarlem This place has got 4,8 stars according to almost 300 Google reviews and scored a 8,5 on a scale of 10 on a popular national fries test. Frietkamer translates to the ‘fries room’, and it definitely is as cosy as a warm and gezellige room. According to some, here the best fries […]
Can’t afford a Dutch course at the moment, or just too lazy? We got your back! Learn Dutch the millenial way, by watching the best Dutch Netflix series. Subtitles on, snacks on the table – go! 1 Overspel | IMDB: 7,9 As the Dutch have made sex into an integral part of their culture, this […]
Amsterdam: the city of canals, the melting pot and Anne Frank. But that’s not all there is to the capital of the Netherlands. If you’re an international planning to live in this beautiful and dynamic city, you absolutely don’t want to miss these top 10 things to do in Amsterdam! 1. Amsterdam street food Oh […]
The ‘inboergering’, the inburgeringsexamen or simply ‘inburgering’: the Dutch civic integration exam is ever a hot topic for Dutchies to be. Kennis van de Nederlandse maatschappij, what is that? After multiple requests for ‘failsafe 1000% guaranteed tips’ (just joking), here are our top 10 tips to pass your inburgering! 1 This website is an […]
Looking for a nice group to practice Dutch? There are loads of amazing Dutch learning groups on the web. In our experience, the best ones are on Facebook and Instagram. These groups help you to improve your Dutch, as you can share your thoughts and ask questions to fellow students of the Dutch language. If […]
According to some Dutch is one of the easiest languages to master. According to others..Not so much. But whatever your relation with this funny old language of the Lowlands might be, here are our top 10 reasons why you should learn Dutch anyway! 1. To improve your job opportunities in the Netherlands 2. To integrate […]
As usual during each January, everyone is busy training and dropping fat. So busy, they didn’t notice we’re already at half of this month (time flies so fast) and it might take just a little longer to sweat those oliebollen-and-kroketten-pounds away. Maybe you forgot to include getting shredded in your new year’s resolutions, but don’t […]