Win now: TOP Dutch-English dictionary, exercise book AND 5 hours of individual training!

Yes yes yes..! Are you ready to WIN free Dutch training, materials included? This is what you’ll get: A Dutch-English dictionary of one of the best publishers – Van Dale One of our favorite Dutch exercise books: Vlekkeloos Nederlands (translates to ‘stainless Dutch’), covering the complete Dutch grammar together with vocabulary and even style 5 […]

Help! How to pass my inburgering? – Here are the top 10 tips you need to succeed! (part 1)

The ‘inboergering’, the inburgeringsexamen or simply ‘inburgering’: the Dutch civic integration exam is ever a hot topic for Dutchies to be. Kennis van de Nederlandse maatschappij, what is that? After multiple requests for ‘failsafe 1000% guaranteed tips’ (just joking), here are our top 10 tips to pass your inburgering! 1 This website is an […]

ALL the best Dutch language learning groups and pages on Instagram and Facebook at one place? Yes, LDO’s listed them for you here!

Looking for a nice group to practice Dutch? There are loads of amazing Dutch learning groups on the web. In our experience, the best ones are on Facebook and Instagram. These groups help you to improve your Dutch, as you can share your thoughts and ask questions to fellow students of the Dutch language. If […]