Here are the Top 10 Reasons for Learning Dutch!

According to some Dutch is one of the easiest languages to master. According to others..Not so much. But whatever your relation with this funny old language of the Lowlands might be, here are our top 10 reasons why you should learn Dutch anyway!

1. To improve your job opportunities in the Netherlands

2. To integrate in Dutch society (this includes passing your inburgering in order to become a Dutch cititzen)

3. To be able to better help and understand your now bicultural kids

4. To be able to make Dutch friends

5. To understand Dutch relevant events and topics (zwarte piet, fireworks ban, racism etc.)

6. To enjoy Dutch music & literature

7. To be able to speak Dutch in Belgium, Surinam and even as far as South Africa!

8. Because it’s a very funny language (obviously)

9. Because you’re in love with a Dutchie

10. Because you want to build something (business, creative, arts, rap etc.) in the Netherlands

Read about the top ten reasons to learn Dutch! - the LDO Blog. - The original online Dutch school with the best online Dutch lessons!
Why Learn Dutch? Find out Now in the LDO Blog! – the Top 10 Reasons for You to Learn Dutch.

Ready to learn Dutch now? If you’re looking for an effective and affordable online Dutch course – got exactly what you need! The 1-month courses start at just 281,75 euro’s and they come with materials and exams included. You can start these courses at the beginning of every month, and sometimes also in the middle of the month based on availability.

Click here to register for one of LDO’s Dutch courses and Learn Dutch online now!

What is your reason to learn Dutch? Is it

  • the inburgeringsexamen?
  • the staatsexamen?
  • for your work?
  • just for your integration?
  • to learn, experience something new? provides Dutch courses on all CEFR levels, works only with experienced, native speaking masters of Dutch and teaches only online – saving you time and money.

Don’t forget to follow and like LDO on Facebook and on Instagram for the absolute BEST Dutch memes, news, FREE Dutch learning, Dutch grammar clips and ALOT more. If you like Dutch, are learning Dutch – you just can’t afford not to..

Want to learn Dutch as soon as possible? Then register right away, as spots are limited.

Learn Dutch for your integration, inburgering or just for fun on the Learn Dutch Now small and effective group course or the more basic month-courses: BASIC Dutch in 1 month, INDEPENDENT Dutch in 1 month and ADVANCED Dutch in 1 month. These courses are quite intensive and cover alle the CEFR-levels: A0 to C2. You can therefore reach a C2-level within just 6 months, given you have the right mindset and motivation. Obviously, you’ll need to put in the study hours, too. Each course covers 1 level.

Be fast, apply now and reserve your seat in one of the online’s classrooms.

The Learn Dutch Now small and effective group course is an extensive all inclusive Dutch course, covering ALL the reasons why you should learn Dutch. You get materials, exams, field trips and a certificate and 24 or 48 hrs of fun Dutch learning from €339,95 only! Don’t believe it?

You can download LDO’s FREE e-book ‘the 300 most important Dutch questions, phrases, verbs and words’ here too!

Why will the really help YOU to finally master Dutch?

9/10 students on our courses write and speak Dutch flawlessly during their very first lesson alone.

This means you’ll be learning everything our FREE e-book with the 100 most important Dutch questions, phrases, verbs and words contains, and more (download your own copy of this MUST-HAVE Dutch learning e-book here).

If that’s not enough of a reason for you, maybe these are:

  • Classes consist of just 3-6 students, so you’ll have all the personal attention you need
  • You’ll be taught by native speaking masters of Dutch, giving you all the Dutch learning you need AND MORE
  • Materials, exams and certification are included, so no extra costs there

Interested? Register for the Learn Dutch Now small group course here! immediately.

If you want to reach up to an A2-level of Dutch within 6-12 weeks, in order to pass your inburgeringsexamen, for integration in Dutch society or to improve your job opportunities, register today.

What will finally mastering Dutch mean for your life in the Netherlands? FIND OUT SOON. teaches you how to communicate in Dutch CONFIDENTLY – wherever and whenever you want, in lessons that are both effective and fun. Always with the unique Golden Money Back Guarantee!

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