Win a 100% FREE Dutch course..For yourself and 1 friend (limited offer)

Just arrived in the Netherlands and seriously looking to learn Dutch? Look no further. Keep on reading if you want to win a free Dutch course WITH 1 friend!

Or already living here for a while, with an network of new, nice international friends? Well, I have some good news for you then.. is providing lessons in Dutch to children, youngsters and adults for over 10 years now. Its founder is a Dutch native speaker, poet, writer and teacher, with a solid background in journalism and languages overall, having attended one of the best schools in the Netherlands. Learning Dutch with therefore really means you learned something.

Why you can’t let this opportunity pass you by (other than that you win a free Dutch course with 1 friend)

In our vision, everyone should get a shot at integrating in Dutch society optimally. You left your home, friends – a whole life – behind, to start anew in this cold, little country, right? So you deserve to get the best lessons in Dutch, whether you like the language or not: we will make you like it (in a completely legal, non harrassing way, of course). And to prove we mean it, you can now get a completely FREE spot with 1 friend of choosing on one of our group lessons in Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Utrecht or your preferred city. To read more on the Learn Dutch Now small and effective group course, click here.

Follow us and work on your Dutch side..

..Not in a Darth Vader way at all. But, as you might know, we have a Facebook and Instagram page you can follow and like to get free Dutch lessons, tips, memes and more. To win your free seat, and that of your friends, go to either one of our social media pages, or click here.

To win your free Dutch course with one of your friends, you only have to:

  • Like this or this post;
  • Apply here, and put ‘free friend course’ in the comments;
  • Tag your friend under the respective posts!

That’s it! Now, just sit back and relax. When you win, you will get a mail (that’s why we need your application) and you might get a call too. There’s no catch. You can enjoy this autumn with a friend, learning Dutch inside, during 48 fun, effective hours. For free. Share it. But not too much ;). Also, check out the rest of our blog. It will definitely help you during your stay in Holland.

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